I began a different type of schooling this last August. I have only had a few months of classes and I am overwhelmed by how much I have learned. It is humbling to be a teacher.
Brilliant imaginary minds greet me in funny little voices early in the morning, with the greatest stories you could fill a book with, all while they unpack their belongings and hug you at the same time! I think that I could sit and watch these little lives at play for hours, simply because their rules are simple and make even the most difficult team player at ease, they save little stuffed animals at a drive through clinic, make dinner for the family, have an automotive repair shop and library all in the same place and time! :) There are the alligator tears, poopy pants, and random fits, but these are worth the all encompassing blessing that these 4 yr olds are in my life!! One little boy echos complaints that I make to God on a regular basis, I can only imagine how God must feel with me sometimes. They usually go something like this, "I can't!", "I don't want to!" or "I just want my mommy!" but with a repetition that cannot be described, only experienced! It is humbling to say the least!
After a little nutritional break I meet my next group of children, these make my insides feel so much joy! I love first and second graders, they have that fun and playful learning sparkle in their eyes! We can sing and dance a Bible verse, and then get really serious while we talk about the importance of obeying God's Word! I love seeing the expressions on their faces as I act out stories with them, I can see how anxious they are to learn more of our wonderful Jesus! All of their questions are so simple and raw, they just want to know how to be as black and white in their little lives as they can be! I try to trick them sometimes with little questions, "How many times has God lied?" and they give me the most critical faces, "Miss Hannah, God NEVER lies!!!!" I love hearing the principles be cemented now, as the storms will come later, no doubt! They continually remind me to keep it simple! Thank you, Father, for showing me child like faith, regularly! :)
The third graders come next, with my most challenging part of the day. I love how much life they can bring into a room, but sometimes it can be overwhelming! I have 17 loud and funny third graders! They all want to tell me something, right away, whether it has something to do with Bible or not. The intellectual jump I see in this class is really fun to work with, they ask deeper questions than my younger kids. We had skits this last week and it turned out really well, they did a great job! I am impressed by their compassionate spirit, as a whole!
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I tutor a beautiful S. Korean foreign exchange student after my Bible classes. It is a joy to work with her on any homework she has, especially in English and Bible-as those tend to be her most difficult classes. I am proud of how well she is doing, so much improvement already! I love seeing her more confident, it is a blessing! It is also such a joy to hear her asking more questions about God, whom I love and desire her to know!
After this I return to my four year old's, to finish up their day and help them pack up and head home. We wait outside for each parent to come and then I help them into their booster seats, buckle them up and say our and goodbye's. I have a short little breather and then go into after school daycare, where I stay until 5:30 with any number of kids from pre-k to 6th grade. I usually end up having between 10-20 regularly. I love this time, because I get to experience my students playing together and making up silly games. It is also fun to interact with the 6th grade girls that ask me all sorts of "boy questions" and tell me their drama! I am blessed to be a "safe" ear for their tender hearts, that I understand all too well!
I am thankful that my wonderful Teacher, Jesus, has planned such incredible lessons for me in this season, and I am even more thankful that He is patient as I learn how to apply and live them out!
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