Monday, March 18, 2013

If you notice...

If you happen to notice a woman with ink smudges and slightly disheveled hair, compliment her eyes-for with them she notices scenes in the everyday atmosphere that most would ignore. If you could hold her journal for ten minutes, you would be astonished at how she views the world, maybe even inspired. I would even go so far as to advise you to ask her to coffee, and enjoy some time listening to her heart or mind, come with a bag of questions, but do not be surprised at how effortlessly she diverts the questions to you-it is in her nature, that learner must know and will remain curious even as she delights you with her tails. She will remember every detail about you, from the socks that sneak a peek at the world only when you sat cross legged, to the amount of times you play with your hair-if it was gelled or natural, etc. She will take special notice of your eyes, and she will see in them more than you would expect possible from such a woman. I can assure you of this, you will leave intrigued!

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