Sunday, April 15, 2012


Journals are such a beautiful artifact to ones own soul! I never tire of tracing my eyes over the history of my own life, seeing the valleys and mountains of my character being shaped and the people who have so influenced my life being penned by name. I often wonder if Jesus ever kept a journal, if He wrote about His daily life, desires, fears, excitement or grief. I know that He would have penned the names of His disciples, but who else?? I wonder if He ever visited elderly men who poured into His life or what He wrote about His parents. Did He write poetry, or short stories, what about songs? Who would He have quoted most-outside of the Bible? I wonder if He enjoyed reading and contemplating as a past time. Did He ever want to be a Father, to have children and be a husband too? He must, for one day He will be a groom! 

It is fascinating to think. Scientists cannot understand or grasp how the brain is capable of thought, yet they think and therefore calculate some ideas. Electricity seems to be involved, yet to what extent and what is it's source or origin? To separate the brain from the rest of the body seems strange also, for without the heart pumping blood, oxygen would never enter the brain for it to function, nor would it survive for long without its many other components providing its capabilities. My eyes see things and my brain responds, my nose smells things and my brain responds, as it does with taste and touch also-yet all in different ways and with different things. So how can we, as humans, not just simply think, but be motivated by our thoughts and thereby stand in such opposition to each other-based on our thoughts. Have you ever met anyone and thought, "How can they think like that?" or "I would have never thought about it that way!" No one on this planet thinks the same way, that is crazy! There are how many people??!! 

Do you ever people watch? This is one of my favorite things to do, seriously! I love to go anywhere and just observe people, it is not creepy, really. There are so many times I can think back on right now and picture those people that remain in your mind that you were really intrigued by and wanted to know what it was that they were thinking about or what it was that made them the way that they appeared to be. It is just plain amazing to realize how complex each person in the world truly is-what they think, how they feel, where they want to go and what they want to do, how they react and what they eat. The little things that make them happy or the way they handle stress or fear, where they go when they need an escape and their laugh. People, I just am so intrigued by people. Culture too-wow, I may have to save that one for another time! 

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