Saturday, May 5, 2012


Simple chords, simple words-truth, it stirs me. 
It starts with the quiet and ends the same. 
The melody is where it captures me. 
There in the pages of sheets, a work is being done, 
I feel it through my ears.
An instrument pours emotion, both the player and the played
It resonates and captivates,
It is a song.  

Simple strokes, simple colors-art, it stirs me.
It begins with an idea and ends the same,
yet how one interprets it may be changing.
There in the hand how one sees is seen, 
I feel it through my eyes.
A brush strikes emotion, and the pallet responds.
It captures and reveals,
It is a painting.

Simple rhythm, simple steps-movement, it stirs me.
It begins with the feet and ends the same,
yet the whole body is moving.  
There in the mind, a feeling is stirring.
The cadence strikes emotion, and the body responds.
It tells a story without words,
It is a dance.

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